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Cinnamon is derived from a tropical, evergreen tree with highly fragrant bark, leaves, and flowers. Cinnamon is commonly used in mouthwashes and chewing gum. Cinnamon has a long culinary history, adding spice to desserts, main courses, and hot beverages. Cinnamon should be diluted with a carrier oil when applied to the skin due to its high cinnamaldehyde content, and only one to two drops are required for internal benefits.
Chiltan Pure Cinnamon Essential Oil, extracted from Cinnamomum Verum, supports healthy metabolic function and aids in the maintenance of a healthy immune system. It is used in a diffuser, oil burner, or massaging, added to homemade cleaning products, body wash or shampoo, fragrance to unscented lotion, bathwater, etc. This essential oil maintains the balance of body, mind, heart, and spirit.